Regular priceRM68.00Regular price
RM88.00Sale priceRM68.00 - RM20.00 (22%)Unit priceperAustralia & New Zealand Unicom Travel SIM Card
Regular priceRM77.00Regular price
RM100.00Sale priceRM77.00 - RM23.00 (23%)Unit priceperAustralia Lebara Travel Prepaid Plan
Regular priceFrom RM65.00Regular price
RM85.00Sale priceFrom RM65.00Unit priceperBalkan & Europe (15 or 30 Days) Travel Prepaid SIM Card
Regular priceRM164.00Regular price
RM179.00Sale priceRM164.00 - RM15.00 (8%)Unit priceperContinental 139 Countries (15 Days) Prepaid SIM
Regular priceFrom RM65.00Regular price
RM79.00Sale priceFrom RM65.00Unit pricepereSIM Australia & New Zealand
Regular priceFrom RM89.00Regular price
RM95.00Sale priceFrom RM89.00Unit pricepereSIM Balkan & Europe
Regular priceFrom RM69.00Regular price
RM82.00Sale priceFrom RM69.00Unit pricepereSIM Europe (35 Countries)
Regular priceFrom RM22.00Regular price
RM25.00Sale priceFrom RM22.00Unit pricepereSIM Greater China
Regular priceFrom RM23.00Regular price
RM28.00Sale priceFrom RM23.00Unit pricepereSIM Hong Kong and Macau
Regular priceFrom RM9.00Regular price
RM15.00Sale priceFrom RM9.00Unit pricepereSIM Indonesia
Regular priceFrom RM19.00Regular price
RM25.00Sale priceFrom RM19.00Unit pricepereSIM Japan
Regular priceFrom RM79.00Regular price
RM108.00Sale priceFrom RM79.00Unit pricepereSIM Japan Infinite Data
Regular priceFrom RM45.00Regular price
RM55.00Sale priceFrom RM45.00Unit pricepereSIM Kazakhstan and Turkey (43 Countries)
Regular priceFrom RM9.00Regular price
RM15.00Sale priceFrom RM9.00Unit pricepereSIM Malaysia
Regular priceRM72.00Regular price
RM82.00Sale priceRM72.00 - RM10.00 (12%)Unit pricepereSIM Pan Asia